Automatic Recurring Billing Agreement
Automatic Recurring Billing Agreement
Frequency of Payments.
An automatic recurring payment in the amount provided to you electronically via email, or as described to you by the representative will be made on or about the anniversary day of your first Auto Delivery order, every month or every 2, 3, or 4 months, depending on your Auto Delivery frequency selection. You will receive a post-payment confirmation email following all automatic recurring payments. You will also receive advance notice of this payment by email.
Automatic Recurring Payment Failure.
If your automatic recurring payment is declined, you may be contacted by phone or email. REMEMBER: If your Automatic Recurring Payment fails, and we cannot contact you, you will need to provide with another payment method, or contact us to retry the your payment method.
Cancellation of Automatic Recurring Payment.
You have the right to withdraw your consent to this Automatic Recurring Payment at any time. To cancel your Automatic Recurring Payment, you may call Customer Service at 1.855.noni.234 (1-855-666-4234). Your request to cancel your Automatic Recurring Payment. You may also email us at to request cancelation. Cancellation may take up to 24 hours to take effect. The fastest way to cancel you Auto Delivery is to log in to your member account using your email and password.
Returning an Automatic Recurring Shipment.
If you would like to request to return a shipment that you have already received, please email or call Customer Service at 1.855.noni.234 (1-855-666-4234). We will create a call tag for FedEx to pick up the order from you. Please be aware that all returns will incurr a $18.95 restock fee.
Reestablishing Automatic Recurring Payment.
If you wish to re-establish your Automatic Recurring Payment, you may access your account online by clicking on the blue "My Account link" found in the upper right hand corner of the home page. Log in using your email address on file, and your password. Once you login, click the Auto Delivery tab to manually reestablish your Auto Delivery. You mas also call Customer Service at 1.855.noni.234 (1-855-666-4234), or email for more assistance.
Changing Automatic Recurring Payment.
If you would like to change your Automatic Recurring Payment including, for example, updating your credit or debit card, you can log into your account, or call Customer Service. Your previously approved Automatic Recurring Payment will be terminated and replaced with the new Automatic Recurring Payement within 24 hours
Access to Agreement.
To access this Agreement in the future through the website, go to the Agreement page. We recommend you print a copy of this Agreement for future reference.
Electronic Authorization.
This Agreement is not transferable and must be agreed to by the person authorized on the Auto Delivery Sign Up page, or by calling an representative. By checking the box next to the statement "You Agree To The Terms Of Service," you are agreeing to all the terms of this agreement and are enroling in's TAHITIAN NONI® Juice Auto Delivery Program.
For questions or concerns, please contact Customer Service at 1.855.noni.234 (1-855-666-4234) or email